Above 2 prints by Dan Mountford
Double exposure technique done in camera! Not in Photoshop!
The 3 amazing, haunting photos above have been expertly executed in the darkroom by: Jerry Uelsmann
Multiple exposure, a photographic technique that dates back to the days before imaging software, can be used to add drama, surrealism, or movement to a photo. The look is achieved by exposing two or more images on to one photograph either in camera (multiple images exposed without advancing the shutter) or in the darkroom (multiple images exposed on a single sheet of photographic paper) or of course digitally with the help of your favorite imaging software. Jerry Uelsmann has been creating astonishing feats of multiple exposure for decades. A true master of his craft, Mr. Uelsmann is reported to use up to 12 enlargers to create one single image. He does not use Photoshop and that, my dear is talent. Prepare to be amazed and inspired, check out his site here.